Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Put Stickers on Your MacBook

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Put Stickers on Your MacBook

Although MacBooks are cool as they come, many users like to decorate and personalize them. This often involves applying stickers, which can be both good and bad for your MacBook.

In this article, we’ll discuss whether it’s a good idea to apply stickers to your MacBook, what happens when you do, what to do if you’ve already applied them, and, most importantly, how to do it. How to apply them if necessary.

Adhesive Residue: The greasy glue left on the aluminum surface of your MacBook when you remove the sticker looks unsightly and is difficult to remove. The worst is after the stickers on your MacBook have been on for a long time.

Sticker photo: Even if there’s no residue, it’s likely that the sticker design will be imprinted on the Mac as the surface around it fades.

Stickers are attractive when applied but repulsive when you remove them. Applying stickers can devalue your MacBook. In worse cases, you could permanently damage your MacBook by scraping off the sticker residue.

Looks scary, but the bigger problem is the silhouette; You may be able to clean off the grease, but discolored marks are permanent. Therefore, it is best not to apply stickers directly to prevent depreciation of the MacBook.

How to avoid residue when applying stickers to a MacBook

Even though stickers leave behind a residue or shadow, there is a safer way to do it. This way.

1. Apple Sticker for Snap-On Case

Using a snap-on case is the best way to enjoy the stickers. These are hard shell plastic covers for the lid and base of your MacBook that you can put on your laptop and decorate it however you want. Then, when you don’t feel like it, you can remove these covers to enjoy the original look of your Mac. Alternatively, you can buy cases that are already decorated, like this one by TwoL.

2. Apply Lamination or Protector First

Laminating your MacBook before applying the stickers (to prevent the stickers from interacting directly with the laptop’s surface) may be your safest bet if you want the best of both worlds: stickers on the MacBook’s actual surface. To do this, you can use Homy’s Full Protection Kit and then apply the stickers.

This method ensures that when you remove the thin lamination sheet, all of the stickers go with it without directly affecting the surface of the MacBook.

However, snap-on cases are better than lamination, as they do not stick to the surface and are easily clamped onto the MacBook’s body. You can even put the stickers back on if you want to restore the look of your laptop.

3. Use high quality stickers

Maybe you don’t like the feel of the protector or case and want to apply stickers directly to your MacBook. In this case, you can use high-quality stickers that don’t use a lot of adhesive to stick, like those from Redbubble. They’re less likely to leave a sticky residue when you remove them.

Another good idea is not to leave them on your MacBook for too long—change them (and their location) every few months to avoid any permanent damage.

How to remove stickers from your MacBook

Use a hair dryer to gently heat the sticker you want to remove. Be careful not to let your MacBook get too hot in the process—this could damage internal components.

Peel it off carefully with your fingers to avoid scratching the surface. If you’re struggling, find a flat plastic tool that isn’t likely to scratch and damage your MacBook, such as a guitar pick.

Remember, this process may not clear up photographs or discolored areas as this is permanent damage.

Unzip your macbook securely

Decorating your MacBook depreciates or damages it. Laminating the sticker before applying it will help you reduce damage—you can remove the lamination before reselling it.

And, by the way, stickers are not the only form of laptop decoration. You can wear an attractive case or do a lot more by adding some useful accessories to the setup.

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